Рубрика: News

Celebrating the Pushkin day…

Traditional «Pushkin Day» was held in our country on June 6. This year we have celebrated the 217th anniversary of the birth of the great poet and writer Alexander Sergeyevich…
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Rostov-on-Don — our common home

The carnival procession devoted to the eightieth anniversary of Kirovsky district, which was attended by students of Preparatory faculty from Zambia, Ghana, Yemen, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Jordan,…
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Winners of the international competition

The International essay contest for foreign students on a subject «Russia and the East: tolerance of cultures and traditions» has taken place in the Siberian State Transport University. 11 universities…
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In the year of literature at the RSMU Department of Russian language no. 3, various activities were held. As part of the annual Olympiad on the Russian language, foreign and…
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