In the year of literature at the RSMU Department of Russian language no. 3, various activities were held.

As part of the annual Olympiad on the Russian language, foreign and Russian students took an active part in the competition for the best war poets (poets-soldiers) poetry recitation (Konstantin Simonov, Alexander Tvardovsky, Evgeny Asadov, Bulat Okudzhava); they sang the songs of the Great Patriotic War. This event devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Great Victory showed with what love and awe students treat poetic heritage of our remarkable poets.

In honor of the 110th anniversary since the birth of M. A. Sholokhov and the 120th anniversary since the birth of S. Yesenin open lessons were conducted. It was noted that the writer and the poet are connected by feeling of boundless love for the motherland and the native nature. M. A. Sholokhov immortalized greatness of the Don steppes and the Quiet Don, S. Yesenin sang of beauty of the Ryazan ancient city and Oka River happy expanse.

Students of RSMU took part in the City competition of young poets and writers which is carried out by department of Youth Affairs of Rostov-on-Don Administration. The student of the 5th year from Nigeria Eunice Omonigho became the winner in the Prose nomination for the short story «New Year’s Fairy Tale», five first-year students of treatment-and-prophylactic faculty became winners of competition of young poets.

In the year of literature the collection of poems «The roads that we choose» was published at the Department. It includes first-year student’s poems in which they talk about how fast the world is changing and how important it is to preserve the tradition. They understand that the future starts today, but how it will be depends on them.


Performance of students from the Congo, Burundi, Togo, Guinea.


Banna Murad (Israel) recites Konstantin Simonov Poetry.


Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU get to know the Russian culture

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University visited the exhibition «The lacework of the Russian North» at the Sholokhov Center of the State museum of M.A. Sholokhov «The Silent Don». The collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum is dedicated to one of the ancient types of art — lacemaking. «Visiting the Sholokhov Center […]

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU told about their medical dynasties

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens from Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Guinea, Israel, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tadjikistan participated in the event which was held at the university museum as part of a project “We love Russia. Choosing RostSMU”. The head of the museum of RostSMU Tatyana […]

Foreign students of Rostov State Medical University took part in the student scientific and practical conference «Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World»

On April 16, 2024, foreign students of Rostov State Medical University, studying in English as an intermediary language, took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World,” which is traditionally held on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages with a Latin language course (head […]

1 февраля, 2016

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