VI All-Russian Congress of the Association of International Students of Russia

From 3 to 6 May 2016 at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia was held the All-Russian Congress of the Russian Association of International Students. About 800 delegates from 118 Russian universities took part in its work.

blankReports on solutions of problems of adaptation of foreign students in the socio-cultural and educational space of Russia were made by the representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation; Federal Migration Service; Federal Agency for CIS (The Commonwealth of Independent States) Affairs, of the compatriots living abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation; heads of diplomatic missions accredited in Moscow. PFUR Rector RAO Academician (Academician of the Russian Academy of Education) Chairman of WAC (Higher Attestation Commission) V.M. Filippov addressed a welcoming speech to the participants of the congress.

The Rostov State Medical University was presented by the Dean of the Preparatory Faculty on training of foreign citizens I.A.Tropina, fifth-year student of the Faculty of therapeutic and prophylactic Landry Igiraneza (Burundi), fourth year student of Faculty of Pediatrics Anna Artykova (Turkmenistan).

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Within the event the Olympiad on Russian language among foreign students has been held. High level of linguistic preparation of RSMU students was awarded diplomas by the organizers of the event.

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The program of congress included visit of the RUDN University museum, a bus sightseeing tour, discussion «Dialogue space», sporting contests and events.

blankCongress delegates took part in the international festival of student youth «Planet South West».

The Concert devoted to the 20 anniversary of the Association of International Students of Russia was held in the RUDN University club.
All activities contributed to the education of tolerance and promote the image of Russia abroad. Foreign participants of the congress showed respect for the traditions of the Russian higher education system.

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU get to know the Russian culture

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University visited the exhibition «The lacework of the Russian North» at the Sholokhov Center of the State museum of M.A. Sholokhov «The Silent Don». The collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum is dedicated to one of the ancient types of art — lacemaking. «Visiting the Sholokhov Center […]

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU told about their medical dynasties

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens from Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Guinea, Israel, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tadjikistan participated in the event which was held at the university museum as part of a project “We love Russia. Choosing RostSMU”. The head of the museum of RostSMU Tatyana […]

Foreign students of Rostov State Medical University took part in the student scientific and practical conference «Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World»

On April 16, 2024, foreign students of Rostov State Medical University, studying in English as an intermediary language, took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World,” which is traditionally held on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages with a Latin language course (head […]

16 мая, 2016

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