The official name of the University: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Rostov State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Abbreviated: FSBEI HE RostSMU MOH Russia
The International name: Rostov State Medical University
Founder: Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Minister of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Albertovich Murashko
Telephone of the Ministry call center: +7 495 627-24-00
Address: 3, Rahmanovskiy Lane, GSP-4, Moscow, 127994.
Head: Olesya Borisovna Starzhinskaya, Ph.D., Acting Rector of FSBEI HE RostSMU MOH Russia
The date of foundation: 1930
Legal form: a budgetary institution
Form of ownership: State Federal
Primary state registration number in the Uniform state register of legal entities (PSRN): 1026103165736
TIN 6163032850, THE CPT 616301001
Address: 29, Nakhichevansky Lane, Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia
Telephone of the reception: +7(863) 250-42-00
Fax: +7 (863) 201-43-90