In the Rostov region and several regions of the country has raised the level of influenza. To improve the efficiency of work in terms of increasing severe cases of influenza the Ministry of Health of the Rostov region and the Rostov State Medical University have decided to send interns and residents to aid local doctors on the ground.
— Because the epidemic incidence threshold of a URTI (upper respiratory tract infections) in Rostov-on-Don is exceeded more than 50% the Minister of Health of the Rostov region Tatiana Jurevna Bykovskaya and the rector of the Rostov State Medical University Shlyk Sergey Vladimirovich made the decision to send interns and residents in hospitals for practical training, — explained the deputy chief of the Department of Health of Rostov-on-Don Olga Barladyan.
Interns and residents of RSMU on specialties therapy (internal medicine), pediatrics, and pulmonology provide medical assistance to strengthen groups in the stationary and outpatient department’s brigades in major cities and areas of the Rostov region. Now they are engaged in the cities of Shakhty, Taganrog, Azov, Novocherkassk, and also in rural areas which are heaviest and dangerous in the circumstances such as the Ust-Donetsk district, Millerovo, the Oktyabrsky village district, the Morozovsky district.
The Chief physician of Rostov-on-Don City Polyclinic No. 16, Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Stagniyev thanked the Rostov State Medical University and the Ministry of Health in the Rostov region for joint decision on the direction of interns and residents in hospitals of the city.
— Seven doctors have been sent to us, and they were distributed by the level of workload. Guys reveal themselves competent specialists. This is a real help, real work for them. Many of them will continue to work for us after the termination of internship, — Dmitry Vyacheslavovich said.
Coordination of efforts between RSMU and the Ministry of Health of the Rostov region goes in accurate interdependence from requirements of health care and situations on places.
— This consistency and interaction between health professionals in the field and scientific institutions led to good results. Interns and residents have high levels of both practical as theoretical training. Guys want to go even in the most difficult areas, — said Vitaly Groshilin, Dean of the Faculty of postgraduate education. 
Today, according to doctors, the peak of the disease has already passed.
But residents and interns plan to remain in their places at clinics to help as many people as possible to recover.