Рубрика: News

RSMU New Year’s Gala concert

On December 25, 2015 at the Rostov State Medical University a New Year’s concert took place. In accordance with a good tradition the Russian and foreign students took part in…
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The first New Year of foreign students in Russia

The New Year about which foreign students have heard so much at home came to Russia. On December 23, 2015 students of the Preparatory Faculty on training of foreign citizens…
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New Year’s festival «A KALEIDOSCOPE of CULTURES»

The New Year’s Festival «Kaleidoscope of Cultures» is held traditionally by Russian Language Department No. 3. This year foreign students from Nepal, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Angola, Congo, Swaziland, Namibia, Bangladesh, India,…
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RSMU foreign students Graduation ceremony 2015

July 27, 2015 on the stage of the Rostov State Musical Theatre took place a ceremony dedicated to the awarding of diplomas to RSMU foreign graduates. The solemn ceremony was…
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RSMU foreign students Graduation ceremony 2014

On the 5 July 2014 on the stage of the Rostov Academic Drama Theatre named after Maxim Gorky, the solemn ceremony of presentation of diplomas to foreign graduates of The…
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