Рубрика: News

At the opening of the Christmas Fair

Last Saturday, the students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training of Foreign Citizens visited the opening ceremony of Christmas Fair in the park of October Revolution. They took pictures with…
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At the concert of the Don Cossacks Song and Dance Ensemble

November 23, 2016, the students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens visited the Rostov Philharmonic Hall where they watched the concert of the Rostov Don Cossacks State Academic…
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The excursion to the Don State Public Library

On November 12, 2016, the students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens visited the Don State Public Library, where they learned a lot about the functioning of the…
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Tour to the Rostov Regional Museum of Fine Arts

October 29, 2016, students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens visited the Rostov Regional Museum of Fine Arts on the A.P. Chekhov Avenue, where they got acquainted with…
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The RSMU Foreign Students Graduation Ceremony 2016

On 25 June on the stage of the Rostov Academic Drama Theatre named after Maxim Gorky a ceremony dedicated to the awarding of diplomas to the RSMU foreign graduates took…
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