From 10 to 16 April 2016, under the auspices of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities, the ASRMU «Winter School — 2016» was held in the city of Sochi.
Students and teachers from 22 medical schools of People’s Republic of China and 10 medical schools of the Russian Federation have taken part in the international theoretical and practical event.
RSMU has been presented by the student of the fifth year of General Medicine faculty Karina Nikitina – excellent student, the participant of the All-Russian projects and competitions, total scientific conferences, the activist of youth programs of Don and the volunteer movement.
ASRMU «Winter School — 2016» program included:
— Lectures on sports medicine and rehabilitation ( professor Xiao Jun, Southern Medical University, China);
— International conference on sports medicine, rehabilitation and topical Issues of Clinical Pathology;
— Classes in Chinese language for the Russian participants ( professor Xia Lin, Harbin Medical University);
— Russian lessons for Chinese participants ( lecturer E.E Fedotova, Kuban State Medical University Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation);
— Wushu classes (master Zhao Huibin, Harbin Medical University);
— Visit of Sochi Municipal budget health facility (MBHF) «City Hospital № 4»;
— Visit of medical facilities of the Olympic mountain and coastal clusters;
— Intellectual quiz «Voroshilov Sharpshooter», which was attended by Russian and Chinese students of medical universities.
After the event, participants of the «Winter School» were awarded nominal certificates and prizes with the symbol of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities.
ASRMU «Winter school – 2016» is urged to unite medical students of two friendly states, to strengthen professional and cultural relations.

Participants of ASRMU “Winter school-2016”. Olympic village.

Working moments of the conference.

Mind game “Voroshilov sharpshooter”.

Karina Nikitina with professors from the People’s Republic of China.

Certificate of attendance