Students of RSMU participated in Interuniversity Festival «The Culture of Don United Us»

From 5th to 12th October 2015 in Rostov-on-Don took place Interuniversity Festival «The Culture of Don United Us», organized by the Rostov State Economic University (RINH), with the support of the Department of State policy in the sphere of education of children and youth of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Commission on Migration Issues of the Presidential Council of the Russian Federation on International Relations, Public Chamber of the Rostov region and the national-cultura l associations and local communities of the Rostov region. According to the organizers the festival is urged to open new horizons for the development and strengthening of friendship and cooperation between the students and youth of Russia and countries near and far abroad; promote the creative activity of students and youth of the Rostov Region; give new impetus to the preservation and revival of humanistic ideals of civil society.

October 12, 2015 on the stage of the Rostov State Musical Theatre was hosted a Gala concert of the laureates of Intercollegiate Festival, with performances by 450 representatives of the best creative teams of educational institutions of the city of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov region, national diasporas and local communities.

At the Gala concert the Rostov State Medical University was represented by foreign students of treatment-and-pr ophylactic faculty: Carlos Amegninu and Honorine Pocono (Togolese Republic), Kiala Sedia Mardosh (Democratic Republic of Congo), Macleans Mofia (Republic of Zambia), Luis Antonio Fernandez (Republic of Guatemala). Vocal group of RSMU students under the direction of L.U. Seyfulina presented to the audience bright unforgettable performance.
The organizing committee of the festival «The Culture of Don United Us» handed to our students the diploma of the winner.

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Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU get to know the Russian culture

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University visited the exhibition «The lacework of the Russian North» at the Sholokhov Center of the State museum of M.A. Sholokhov «The Silent Don». The collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum is dedicated to one of the ancient types of art — lacemaking. «Visiting the Sholokhov Center […]

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU told about their medical dynasties

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens from Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Guinea, Israel, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tadjikistan participated in the event which was held at the university museum as part of a project “We love Russia. Choosing RostSMU”. The head of the museum of RostSMU Tatyana […]

Foreign students of Rostov State Medical University took part in the student scientific and practical conference «Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World»

On April 16, 2024, foreign students of Rostov State Medical University, studying in English as an intermediary language, took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World,” which is traditionally held on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages with a Latin language course (head […]

12 января, 2016

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