Рубрика: News

The 3rd online-festival of people’s friendship

The Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov hold the 3rd online-festival of people’s friendship dedicated to Russian culture « I’d study Russian only for…». The student of the second…
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People’s friendship — the unity of Russia

Within the framework of the VII festival «The Caucasus — our common home» the international student’s scientifically-practical conference «People’s friendship — the unity of Russia» devoted to the 70th anniversary…
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Diploma of Physician of The Rostov State Medical University

Diploma of Physician of The Rostov State Medical University which has been training specialists for foreign countries since 1961 is highly appreciated abroad. In 1964 the Dean’s office of Faculty…
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Faculties and a Medical College

Nowadays there are 10 faculties and a Medical College which provide training in programs of secondary and higher professional education, a Multidisciplinary Clinic, scientific research institutes, scientific centers and basic…
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