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«Swan Lake» – the fairy tale embodied in music and dance

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training of Foreign Citizens not only prepare for admission to Medical Universities of our country, but also explore the culture of Russia. At the lessons of Russian language they learn new things about life and creative activity of the great representatives of the nation and in free time the students get to know immortal creations of Russian arts.

December 8, 2016, foreign students attended the «Swan Lake» ballet at the Musical Theatre. They all watched the ballet on the stage of the theatre for the first time. What they saw made them a lasting impression that they shared with their professors.

«Yesterday there was an extraordinary event in my life. I saw a ballet performance for the first time in my life and enjoyed it very much. Charming music by Tchaikovsky combined with excellent ballet movements, colorful costumes and scenery – everything was very beautiful! Especially I enjoyed the part of Odile», – Rojas Media Valeria (Colombia).

«I really liked the music and how this beautiful tale was expressed in dance!» — Afghani Rola (Palestine).

«It was a good chance to understand what the ballet is as I had never seen this ballet before yesterday. How many great dancers perform such difficult moves! I am in awe of how they did it,» – Dinusha Ravishan (Sri Lanka).

«I really liked the ballet! I enjoyed classical music! I admired the costumes! The story of the princess-swan touched my heart. Everything was great!» – Daniela Magredt (Ecuador).

«It was a beautiful classic ballet, which I had never seen before yesterday. It’s the most famous ballet in the world and I was happy to watch it. What magnificent scenery, fantastic orchestra, performing wonderful music by P. I. Tchaikovsky! I really liked the final scene of the ballet when the wizard was defeated and the princess swan came to life. Artists made me feel this story and empathize with them, despite the fact that they did not say a single word,» — Jiarapaganon Varisara (Thailand).

In the foyer of the Music Theatre

In the foyer of the Music Theatre

In the Palace park

In the Palace park

Spanish dance

Spanish dance


Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU get to know the Russian culture

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University visited the exhibition «The lacework of the Russian North» at the Sholokhov Center of the State museum of M.A. Sholokhov «The Silent Don». The collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum is dedicated to one of the ancient types of art — lacemaking. «Visiting the Sholokhov Center […]

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU told about their medical dynasties

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens from Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Guinea, Israel, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tadjikistan participated in the event which was held at the university museum as part of a project “We love Russia. Choosing RostSMU”. The head of the museum of RostSMU Tatyana […]

Foreign students of Rostov State Medical University took part in the student scientific and practical conference «Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World»

On April 16, 2024, foreign students of Rostov State Medical University, studying in English as an intermediary language, took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World,” which is traditionally held on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages with a Latin language course (head […]

25 декабря, 2016

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