On 25 June on the stage of the Rostov Academic Drama Theatre named after Maxim Gorky a ceremony dedicated to the awarding of diplomas to the RSMU foreign graduates took place.
Traditionally, the Dean of the Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens and Postgraduates, Doctor of Medicine, Professor D.P..Khloponin opened the solemn ceremony. On behalf of the Administration of the Rostov State Medical University the Vice-Chancellor on Training Foreign Citizens and International Cooperation, Doctor of Medicine, Professor G.Sh..Gafiyatullina congratulated the foreign graduates on this significant day in their lives.

In 2016, 70 foreign citizens from 22 countries of near and far abroad received the Diplomas of Doctors of the Rostov State Medical University.
Tlais Hadi from the Lebanon graduated from the university with honors degree.

Tlais Hadi

Foreign graduates 2016
Certificates of honor for active participation in public life and academic achievements were awarded 11 graduates from Burundi, India, Yemen, the Lebanon, Moldova, Mongolia, Namibia and Turkmenistan.
28 foreign graduates of the RSMU received the certificate of the expert in the field of the Russian language, which will allow them to teach Russian at home.
Also representatives of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Rostov region, professors and teachers congratulated the graduates.

Many kind words were told by the graduates to the staff of the Dean’s office of the Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens and Postgraduates for their attention and support throughout all years of training at the Rostov State Medical University.

Relatives and friends of the graduates from all over the world came to Rostov-on-Don to the ceremony of diplomas awarding and proudly congratulated their darlings who became qualified M.D.

The graduation ceremony is the official ceremonial event of the university, which is held in an atmosphere of joy and international friendship, true professional fraternity and national respect from year to year for several decades.

Foreign graduates will leave Russia for their native country and will carry out noble mission of a doctor to save lives. Nevertheless, in their memory and hearts there will be always love for the Rostov State Medical University, for our glorious city and the Don land, the Russian language and great Russian culture with which they have met during the years of training, their classmates from different countries and the unique student atmosphere of the Rostov State Medical University.
Good luck, dear graduates!