Рубрика: News

Festive online concert at the Preparatory faculty

Distance is not an obstacle for those who decided to congratulate the staff and students of the University with the coming New Year. Students of the Preparatory faculty and professors…
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Creativity beyond borders

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed our lives, forced to transfer international students to the online environment. Students of the Preparatory faculty, located in different countries of the world, decided…
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Virtual tour of Rostov State Medical University

November 17 is International Students’ Day. Students of the Preparatory faculty celebrated this holiday by watching films about RostSMU, shot for the anniversary of the university. Students learned the history…
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«Russian Folk Art» Conference

2020 was declared the Year of Folk Art in Russia. At the Department of Russian Language No. 1, a conference «Russian Folk Art» was held in remote mode. The genres…
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International students celebrated 71st Republic Day of India

India’s Republic Day this year brought in some special moments for the students of Rostov State Medical University. The University Аdministration and official representative of foreign students organized an exciting…
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In advance of Defender of the Fatherland Day…

In advance of Defender of the Fatherland day Semyon Yairovich Simkhaev Vice-Chancellor on Administrative and Economic Activity, Colonel of justice, member of the Order of the Military Merit gave a…
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