The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed our lives, forced to transfer international students to the online environment. Students of the Preparatory faculty, located in different countries of the world, decided with their creativity to show the conventionality of boundaries and the importance of the ability to listen and hear each other. This idea was realized in a concert, which was attended by talented guys from the Dominican Republic, Israel, Lebanon, Mongolia, USA. As you know, music can heal souls, improve the emotional state.
The Preparatory faculty is attended not only by musically gifted students, but also by young artists from Lebanon, Mongolia, Palestine.
On the eve of the New Year, future doctors decided to give everyone the positive emotions so necessary today.

Mongolian participant of the «Voice» project Kugyershin Yerkyejan inspiredly performs songs

Massas Rachel Ann (USA) with drum kit

Hamade Adham Ziad (Lebanon) performs an excerpt from Tchaikovsky’s «The Nutcracker»

Muhana Hisham (Israel)

Massas Rachel Ann (USA) plays guitar

Guerrero Pujols Tayra Gloricel (Dominican Republic) congratulates on the coming Catholic Christmas

Paintings by Mahdi Rola (Lebanon)

Works by Elatawna Amira (Palestine)

Bayarbaatar Delgermaa (Mongolia) made gifts for the New Year