Foreign students and residents of RostSMU desired to help people in need during the period of measures taken to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection on the territory of the city of Rostov-on-Don. They joined the University’s volunteer staff by signing the applications.

A future neurologist, a student from Namibia said: «I am grateful to Russia — the country where I got my education, RostSMU and my teachers. I believe that it is very important for me as a future doctor to help people who are in need during such a difficult period. This practical work is a valuable experience that will help me in my future professional activities».
Six students from Nigeria, The Lebanon, Brazil, Tajikistan and Burundi quickly joined public assistance activities: answer calls in call centers, actively participate in preventive measures in the dormitories of RostSMU — they perform distant thermometry daily, monitor the maintenance of sanitary order and are ready to go to Platov airport on duty if necessary. After passing the mandatory safety instruction foreign volunteers will join the delivery of food to elderly people of Rostov who keep lockdown. Now it is the most popular call for help.
The coordinator of the Rostov regional department of all-Russian social movement «Medical Volunteers» Angelina Fisunova noted: «The staff for food and medicine delivery has been actively working for the second week. Now elderly people and people with impaired mobility need our help as never before. They value our work very much and speak with gratitude about our volunteers.»
We should note that about 800 foreign citizens are trained at RostSMU and about 500 of them live in university dormitories.
Photo Report: Volunteer activities in the dormitories