Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University read Alexander Pushkin’s works

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU took part in the XIII Online Festival of Friendship “My friends, our union is wonderful!”  It is dedicated to the anniversary date, which will be celebrated in 2024 — the 225th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Foreign students presented their works in the category “Perhaps the stanza composed by me will not drown in Summer!”  The event participants made video recordings of their performances, in which they recited Pushkin’s favorite poems by heart and justified the choice of their favorite work.

«I think one of the best poems is “I Remember a Wonderful Moment.”  The words “genius of pure beauty” very succinctly characterize enthusiastic admiration for a beautiful woman», noted Akhmadov Murad Imaladdin ogly, who came to study in Rostov-on-Don from Azerbaijan.

Hamdan Alice from Lebanon chose the poem «Madonna».  In it, according to the girl, Alexander Pushkin’s idea of an ideal woman is revealed.

The poem “Flower” made Haloui Yasmine from Morocco think about the meaning of human life and understand how fleeting it is.

The students were prepared by the head of the Russian language department N°1, Irina Anatolyevna Tropina.

The nomination “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” involved the performance of a romance or song based on poems by A. Pushkin.

«Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin almost did not publish his early works.  I was interested in the history of writing the poem “To Natasha”, I really liked the music of Mikhail Solonitsyn», commented Avala Bayan from Lebanon on her choice, the preparation of her performance was supervised by Elena Vladimirovna Chernenko, senior teacher of the Russian language department N°1.

The Syrian Abbas Haidara, whose mentor was also Elena Vladimirovna, became interested in the journey of Alexander Pushkin with the family of General Raevsky to the Caucasus, since their path ran through these places.  At the eastern gate of the fortress of St. Demetrius of Rostov, travelers saw a flooded river.

Abbas Haidara’s video tour of the places of Pushkin’s travels ended with the reading of the poem «Don».  His work is presented in the category “How long will I walk in the world / Either in a carriage, or on horseback…”.

«In a poetic text, the meaning of a word is transformed and its potential is revealed.  Inexperienced readers, such as foreign students at the moment, find it difficult to perceive a foreign cultural poetic text that looks mysterious and encrypted.  Decoding helps to fully perceive the text and precedes the expressive reading of a particular work», says Irina Anatolyevna Tropina.

The festival is organized by the Department for Work with Talented Youth of Lomonosov Moscow State University.

We wish the festival participants further success in studying the Russian language and literature!

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17 декабря, 2023

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