Excursions to various museums in Rostov-on-Don and Rostov region long ago became a good tradition of the Russian language Department №3 . This year foreign students of the 2nd course went on the excursion to the Museum of Railway Technics with thier teacher Chernyahovich Alexandra Sergeevna.
This interesting Museum under the open sky contains a large number of unique exhibits. For example, there you can see the remained only here passenger-train of the 1956, the oldest in Russian English company car of the 1869, refrigerator van of the 1914, and also many other exhibits.
Students learnt about the history of the railway transport in Russia, saw the first steam trains and modern locomotives, looked over all carriages, including the German carriages that transported prisoners in concentration camps, and platform which carried tanks during the Great Patriotic War. But the greatest impression on the students made a command carriage of the 1934, intended for transportation of the military leadership.
