By decree of the President of the Russian Federation the 2014th year is the year of Culture and the purpose is to «to attract attention of society to the culture development problems, preservation of culture-historical heritage and the role of Russian culture in the world.» And in this regard, several activities, among which a special place is occupied by excursions to museums, theatres, art galleries, watching the best Russian films, preparation for the celebration of the 200th anniversary since the birth of Mikhail Lermontov, and also performance at interacademic conferences are planned in the Department of Russian language № 3 in the Rostov State Medical University. Thus, foreign students of our University took an active part in III International research and practical conference «Culture. Education. Society» which was held in the Southern Federal University. The aim of the conference is to attract the representatives of different spheres to discuss vital issues relating to the definition of values and approving them in life. The participants of the section «Modern culture: problems, challenges, prospects» noted in their reports that the main problem of modern society is the loss of morality and to overcome the crisis can help only the revival of spirituality, an appeal to the supreme values of culture and art, to its historical roots. Both Russian and foreign students took part in the regional contest of compositions and essays «Man of the future — ethical person». The winner of the creative competition was a student of our University Igiraneza Landry from Burundi (3rd year student of the faculty of General Medicine). His work made a great impression on the jury because of his sincerity, his desire to understand the causes of the morality decline in the modern world and was chosen as the best one. «What should we do to be moral in all situations? — writes Landry. — I can’t answer this question. But I am absolutely sure that if humanity will finally lose the moral thread, it will inevitably die… Of course, now we need to think about what will be the man of the future and how to revive morality. It is not necessary to invent, it is, was and will remain one for all. And the man of the future, of course, is a highly moral person. The future starts today, now, and it depends on each of us.»

Igiraneza Landry’s speech (3rd year student of the faculty of General Medicine)