International Activity

International cooperation is an important aspect of the Rostov State Medical University activity. Its goal is an integration into the international scientific and educational sphere, ensuring the quality of education and its compliance with international standards.

International cooperation is carried out by the following structural units of the RostSMU: Dean’s office of the Preparatory Faculty, Dean’s office of the Faculty on Training Foreign Students and Postgraduates, International Cooperation Department.

An essential component of the international cooperation of the RostSMU is to interest foreign students in training, based to general and special programs, to organize students’ exchanges and practical trainings for post-graduates and professors.  

You are Welcome to the Rostov State Medical University!

Gafiyatullina Gyuzyal Sh.
Vice-Chancellor on Training Foreign Citizens and International Cooperation


The realization of international educational projects includes the collaboration with the major foreign universities, scientific and medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies in order to develop the specific research subjects, provide clinical tests of drugs and participate in international forums held in Russia and abroad. The Rostov State Medical University provides reception of foreign delegations and conducts students’ exchange for practical training. University staff is involved into the work of international companies and organizations and does its best to get the grants of international funds and organizations


The university community gives pride of place to an open professional dialogue between all participants of the academic process, regardless of nationality, race, gender or religious beliefs. This dialogue ensures mutual learning and expands the opportunities of students, teachers and graduates of all generations, while simultaneously maintaining the established cultural and academic traditions of the university as the main producer of an intellectual product


Reception hours
Wednesday, Friday 15.00 — 18.00
119/80, Suvorova Str., Rostov-on-Don, 344022, Russia
+7(863) 250-40-91
Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don, Nahichevansky av., 29
+7 (863) 250-42-00
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