The future of the Rostov State Medical University…. We not only dream of how it will be, we are creating it.
Every day new medical technologies appear, and it means that more and more opportunities in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of various diseases can be used.
Several years ago such things as nano — and molecular technologies, on-line conferences with the best doctors of the world, practice in the leading clinics of the country and the world seemed incredible and fantastic. Now all these are gradually becoming an everyday reality in the educational process.
In this section of the site we will present the most interesting and promising projects which are to be realized in the nearest future. They will positively influence not only educational, scientific and educational process, the clinical work of the medical team, but the appearance of the Rostov State Medical University and the entire Don medicine in general as well.
Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону
пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29
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Россия, г.Ростов-на-Дону
пер.Нахичеванский, здание 29
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пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29
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