On June 21, the prom of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens was held at the Rostov State Medical University.
Under the guidance of their tutors, the students prepared a wonderful concert program for this day: beautiful songs and poems in Russian sounded in the hall.
Dean of the Preparatory Faculty Associate Professor I.A.Tropina congratulated the lecturers and students on the completion of their studies and wished all graduates a successful graduation from their first academic year on Russian soil and admission to higher educational institutions in Russia. Students, who took an active part in the public life of the faculty, were awarded with certificates of honor.
Head of the Department for Licensing, Accreditation and Quality Control of Education Associate Professor A.S.Voloshina came to congratulate the excellent graduates of the faculty. Memorable gifts were presented to the hardworking and diligent graduates.
Heads of the Preparatory Faculty departments of the Russian language №1 and №2, Chemistry, General Biology and Anatomy, and Physics announced the names of the Olympiads winners in their AP classes; they have awarded the participants who have taken prizes with certificates of honor and have wished to all students a successful passing of final exams.
The holiday ended with the students singing the «Song Around Goes». Joyful mood will remain for a long time in the memory of all those who attended the concert.

Dean of the RostSMU Preparatory Faculty I.A.Tropina congratulates students

Dean I.A.Tropina and senior supervisor of the faculty S.A.Mirzoyeva present certificates to students

A.S. Voloshina congratulated and presented gifts to excellent students

Head of the Young Talents Center O.V. Zvonareva came to congratulate students from Zimbabwe and senior supervisor O.S. Melikova on a successful performance in the city patriotic center «Victory»

The studying group No.5 sings the song «Do not be sad»

International students have mastered Russian folk dances under the guidance of the professor D.A. Malinina

Students together with their supervisor S.А.Mirzoyeva urged everyone to live happily

The studying group №13 performed the song «Why do we live in this world»