RostSMU took part in the «Summer School — 2017» of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities (ASRMU)

Within the working program of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities from 22 to 30 July 2017 on the basis of the Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University the «Summer School — 2017» has been carried out.

Students and professors from medical universities of the People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation came to Voronezh to participate in an international scientific and practical event.

RostSMU was represented by the fifth year student of the pediatric faculty Anastasia Myasnikova, an activist of the volunteer movement, winner of the All-Russian competition «Volunteer of Russia 2016» in the nomination «Medical Volunteering. The best project in the field of medical volunteering», a participant of all-Russian projects and scientific conferences.

The theme of the «Summer School — 2017» was «Prevention of diseases in the system of primary medical care.»
Program of the event included:
— a series of lectures on health saving («Health saving in the youth environment», «Organization of preventive work among the population on the example of the work of the «Health Center», «Using Information Technologies for the Prevention and Healthcare of the Population», «Study of the adaptive capabilities of the body and the application of research experience in the treatment and prevention work among the population»);
— a visit to the Medinvest Clinical Ophthalmology Center;
— acquaintance with the medical base of the M. Gorky sanatorium;
— a visit to the Voronezh Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Voronezh N.N. Burdenko State Medical University;
— Chinese language classes for Russian students with a professor from China;
— classes in Russian for Chinese students with a professor from Russia.

A rich cultural and sightseeing program was organized for participants in the summer school, during which students of medical schools of the two countries were able to interact in an informal setting, get acquainted with the culture and traditions of Russia and China.
The solemn closing of the international event took place in a friendly setting; Russian and Chinese students prepared a joint artistic performance and were awarded with personal certificates.

Summer and winter schools of the ASRMU acquaint and unite medical students of two friendly states, promote the development of scientific and educational links between medical universities in Russia and China.
«Summer School — 2017» demonstrated the continuation of the successful development of Russian-Chinese relations within the framework of the Association of Sino-Russian Medical Universities.


Интернациональные участники «Летней школы – 2017» РКАМУ в городе Воронеж

International participants of the Summer School 

На лекциях

At the lectures of the Summer School

Анастасия Мясникова с преподавателем китайского языка

Anastasia Myasnikova with a professor of Chinese

Посещение Воронежской детской клинической больницы ВГМУ

Visiting the Voronezh Children’s Clinical Hospital of the VSMU

Время досуга

Leisure time

Участники Школы на сцене

Closure of the «Summer School — 2017». After the concert

Сертификат участника

Certificate of attendance















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9 сентября, 2017

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