The Olympiad in Biology, organized by the Department of General Biology and Anatomy (Head of the Department, Associate Professor Abakumova L.V.), was held June 21, 2017, at the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens. 30 students of the Preparatory Faculty took part in it.
The tasks of increased complexity included questions suggesting a detailed answer, as well as tasks from the «Genetics» section, and covered all sections of biology, mastered by foreign students in Russian.
The winner of the Olympiad was Mechani Eminelya (Albania).

Second place was shared by Yeboah Gideon Asante (Ghana), Chieni Michael Yambwa (Zambia), Al-Khuzheiri Maria Khaled (Lebanon), Dipuutei Maxwell Guomaltey (Ghana), Mahani Yahya Salekhovich (Palestine).
On the third place are Sumyaa Haliyun (Mongolia), Nguyen Fyong Uyen (Vietnam), Ahzharhyn Maral (Mongolia), Gyabaah Addison (Ghana), Nguyen Dak Kyong (Vietnam).
The winner and prize-winners were awarded diplomas, and also have got «creative» points to the rating.

The Department of General Biology and Anatomy of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens congratulates the winner and prize-winners of the Olympiad and wishes them successful studies in medical schools of our country!