“Topical Issues of Organic and Biological Chemistry» conference at the Department of Chemistry of the Preparatory faculty on Training Foreign Citizens

On June 16, 2017 the «Topical Issues of Organic and Biological Chemistry» conference organized by Department of Chemistry of Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens has taken place. The welcoming speech to the conference participants was addressed by the Head of the Department of Chemistry, Associate Professor A. Grekova.

20 students of the Preparatory faculty who have submitted 15 reports have participated in a conference.

The reports of Chinzorigt Zhavhlan, Gan-Erdene Bolor-Erdene (Mongolia) and Tasich Marco (Serbia) «Structure and functions of nucleic acids», Ahzharhyn Maral and Oidovsuren Badamgarav (Mongolia) «Life-the way protein bodies are living», Espinosa Gaona Daniela Magredt (Ecuador) and Jayatilaka Peduru Hevage Dinusha Ravishan (Sri Lanka) «Protein biosynthesis mechanism”, Dipuutey Maxwell Guomaltey (Ghana) «Structure and functions of ATP. Ways of synthesis of ATP in the human body», Folajinmi Opeyemi Jem and Odogh Obyanuju Cynthia (Nigeria) «Structure and function of hormones», Igboanugo Somadila Annastatia (Nigeria) and Tetei Rubi Aqueley (Ghana) «The whole truth about vitamins», Acter Poly (Bangladesh) «Enzymes-Biological catalysts» caused the greatest interest. Students listened attentively and actively asked questions to authors of messages.
Students who made presentations were awarded diplomas.


Gan-Erdene Bolor-Erdene (Mongolia)


Attentive audience


Tettey Ruby Aqueley (Ghana)


Suhbaatar Harlenchimeg and Bizya Tsagaanaa (Mongolia)


Folajinmi Opeyemi Jem and Odogh Obyanuja Cynthia (Nigeria)


Dipuutey Maxwell Guomaltey (Ghana)


Igboanugo Somadila Annastatia (Nigeria)


Ahzharhyn Maral and Oidovsuren Badamgarav (Mongolia)


Abuhammed Nasser A I (Palestine)


Espinosa Gaona Daniela Magredt (Ecuador) and Jayatilaka Peduru Hevage Dinusha Ravishan
(Sri Lanka)


Awarded conference participants

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23 июня, 2017

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