The results of the Sixth Online Peoples Friendship Festival «Love to cinema, love to Russia», which was held at the_M.V._Lomonosov Moscow State University, are summed up.
The main objective of the Festival is to popularize the Russian language as a medium of international communication, to develop creative abilities of students and to strengthen the relationship between MSU and other higher educational institutions of Russia, the CIS and other countries.
The competition was attended by international students from many universities.
Rostov State Medical University was honorably represented by the second-year student of the Faculty on Training Foreign Students and Postgraduates Sharma Devashish (Nepal), who received the diploma of the Festival winner.
His essay «My favorite hero», which showed an excellent knowledge of the Russian language, imagery of thinking, creative comprehension of the movie «Flight Crew», as well as artistic and vivid performance of the song about the pilots, were highly appreciated by the jury.
Professors of the Department of Russian Language and Culture of Russian Speech congratulate Sharma Devashish and his tutor Ludmila Ivanovna Deripasko, who received a letter of gratitude from the Rector of Moscow State University V.A.Sadovnichy for active work on training of RostSMU international students for participation in the Festival.

Sharma Devashish

Head of the Department of Russian Language and Culture of Russian Speech G.D. Scnar congratulates L.I.Deripasco and Sharma Devashish

Diploma of the winner