Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens became winners of the IV International Olympiad of St.Petersburg State University

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU became winners of the IV International Online Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language held by St. Petersburg State University.

According to the results of the second round, Shaalan Walid Samir from Israel took the first prize.
“Students from different countries are trained at our faculty. Someone speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, and other languages. But to understand each other, we need a common language. Learning Russian broadens my mind and helps me to learn different cultures. It makes my life even more interesting.” the student said.

The first prize was also taken by Alice Hamdan from the Lebanon who also shared her impressions.
“The Russian language is the language of great Russian writers, artists and musicians known all over the world. Moreover, the Russian language is very rich and beautiful. I am proud that I have the opportunity to join the rich culture of the Russian people, its unique traditions and customs.” the girl noted.

Yasmin Halui (Morocco) took the second place and is sure that learning Russian will help her not only just speak and write in it but choose the right words to express her thoughts and learn a lot of new things.

The students were trained by Irina Anatolyevna Tropina, the Head of the Department of Russian Language No. 1.
Participation and winning the Olympiad is a demonstration of respect for our university by foreign students, responsibility for its representation and love for the Russian language. Congratulations to the winners of the Olympiad! We are sure that the brilliant results will inspire them to study one of the greatest languages in the world in more depth.

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5 декабря, 2023

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