The student conference-dispute «Physics in My Future Profession» was held on May 16-17, 2022 at the Department of Physics of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens. Fragments of some participant speeches of the discussion are given below.
Ilham Savriddinov (Tajikistan, Group 3)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue my studies at RostSMU.
The branches of physics that I am interested in are mechanics (motion of bodies) and molecular physics (properties of bodies based on their molecular structure). I think that as a future doctor, I need to know physics perfectly well. The reason for it is that everything we study today will become a support for future education. Today, physics is widely used for treatment and diagnosis of patients.
Bahlul Iman (Algeria, Group 4)
It is necessary for a future doctor to know physics, since relying on physical laws allows studying the functioning of a living organism, explaining normal physiological processes, for example: blood circulation is a process associated with the work of the heart (mechanics), generation of biopotentials (electricity), fluid flow (hydrodynamics), propagation of elastic vibrations through the vessels (vibrations and waves); respiration is a process associated with heat exchange (thermodynamics), evaporation (phase transformations). I will study at Volgograd Medical University after graduating from the Preparatory Faculty.
Olorunwa Eniola Treasure (Nigeria, Group 14)
I will continue to study at Rostov State Medical University.
I am interested in studying mechanical motion and mechanical waves. I need to know about electric waves and vibrations, because the tissues and organs of the human body have different electrical properties, they can generate special electrical potentials. Physics allows us to understand better the work of the human body, detect some diseases and save people.
Tabor Adebusola Adedire (Nigeria, Group 5)
I will study at RostSMU.
My future profession is a doctor, most likely a surgeon, and I really feel that as a practicing doctor I will really need physics, so it is included in the course of natural science. A doctor should consider and study topics such as the basic law of thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves, and energy quantization in order not to make mistakes in his work. And I also think that small topics will be needed, such as fluid pressure, thermal energy, X-rays, which cannot be discarded in surgery. When checking the activity of our brain, we need such a tool as an electroencephalogram to assess the work of the heart, an electrocardiogram. How can a practitioner use all these things without knowledge of physics and many other tools that we use in our daily lives?
Npocha Steven (Benin, Group 10)
The physical knowledge that I need as a future doctor is knowledge in the field of optics, radiography, imaging, as well as nuclear medicine. These areas are important branches of medicine and it is necessary to have a physical basis for their understanding and proper study.
Currently I would like to become a neurosurgeon. So I have to study the brain, which is the center of the body. Thus, physics will be very useful to me, because the phenomena occurring in the brain are equally physical and chemical. Nerve impulses, electrical signals, and so on belong to the field of explanation of physics. That’s why I like to study physics.
Ardo Polina (Lebanon, Group 3)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at Pirogov RNRMU.
A future doctor has to know physics, as it helps him to understand the fundamental concepts of human physiology. Also, new methods of treatment require knowledge of physics, and the principle of operation of modern technological devices in medicine cannot be understood by a person who has not studied physics.
Nouvoli Brice Dore (Guinea, group 7)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue to study at Altai State Medical University. It is necessary for a future doctor to know physics, since the achievements of physical science and technology are widely used in therapy, surgery and other fields of medicine.
Physics helps in the diagnosis of diseases. X-rays, ultrasonic examination, iridology, radiodiagnosis are widely -used. In addition to physical macro-processes, -molecular processes occur in the body. Understanding the physics of these micro-processes is necessary for a correct assessment of the state of the body, the nature of a number of diseases, the effects of medical drugs.
Kebriti Omar (Syria, Group 1)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at RostSMU. I am interested in medical physics and electrophysics. I want to study ophthalmology and specialize in eye surgery, and physics is very important in this specialty. I want to master eye treatment using LASIK technology. The word LASIK means corneal correction with a local laser. Laser is one of the most important applications of ophthalmic surgery, which means that physics is of great importance in this field.
Zahraddin Roba (Lebanon, Group 5)
I will study at the Russian National Research Medical University. I am interested in mechanical and electrical phenomena. The doctor uses physical concepts and procedures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Medical physics plays an important role in medicine, in biological and medical research.
Ducusirema Honore Promess (Republic of the Congo, Group 9)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty of the Rostov State Medical University, I will continue my studies at the medical Faculty of the Saratov State Medical
For a future doctor, an important area is medical imaging (X-ray, radiography, MRT). This is a medical imaging technology discovered in 1895 by physicist Wilhelm Roentgen, who made the first images of human anatomy on his wife’s hand. Radiology is a medical specialty that is based on creating images of a living human body and interpreting them for diagnosis, treatment or observation of the development of pathologies. The contribution of physics to medicine is diverse and important. First of all, physics contributes to a good understanding of the human body. The blood and respiratory system cannot do without the concept of fluids. Physics helps to develop 3 basic skills of medical students: experimental practice, analysis and generalization of scientific documents, solving scientific problems.
Ada Saadia (Benin, Group 10)
After graduation from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study in Moscow at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
First of all, physics is an important science that can be used everywhere. Everything in physics will be useful to a future doctor. Knowledge of mechanics, elasticity, forces is necessary to understand the functioning of the skeletal system and muscles. Optics and electricity are useful for understanding vision, acoustics and electrical impulses are useful for understanding hearing; physics is present in all systems: the cardiovascular system (hydraulics); brain and nervous system (electricity); respiratory system and metabolism (diffusion). I want to become an ophthalmologist. And for an ophthalmologist, physics is very important, especially optics, the study of pressures, fluids and forces.
Obidjon Bobojonov (Tajikistan, Group 2)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue to study at Rostov State Medical University.
I am interested in mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics. Physics plays an important role in medicine. To measure pressure and pulse, the doctor needs to know how the aerotonometer and stopwatch are arranged, you need to know the ratio between different units of measurement, for example, pascals and millimeters of mercury when measuring pressure.
Ammar Sham (Syria, Group 7)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue my studies at Pirogov RNRMU in Moscow.
Why is it a must to study physics? There are many reasons. The study of modern medicine is complemented by technology. Physics is present in every-thing, from the operation of precise medical scales to imaging equipment such as X-rays, MRT, ultrasonics. Physics helps greatly in the field of medicine, without it we cannot achieve satisfactory results in the treatment of our diseases.
Ahmad Anil Usian (Afghanistan, Group 1)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.I am interested in the phenomenon of radioactivity, radioactive radiation, because I want to be a doctor who treats cancer. Therefore, I need to know basic knowledge about rays and radioac-tivity that are safe for the human body. As you know, radiation therapy is a modern and effective method of cancer treatment. Radiation therapy in high doses kills cancer cells or slows their growth by damaging their DNA. Cancer cells whose DNA is damaged beyond repair stop dividing or die. When damaged cells die, they are destroyed and removed by the body.
Ghanem Rand (Syria, Group 7)
Initially, the connection between medicine and physics was close, joint congresses of naturalists and doctors were held until the beginning of the XX century. Physics was mostly created by doctors, and they were often prompted to researches by questions posed by medicine.
Doctors-notionalists of antiquity were the first to think about the question of what heat was. They knew that a person’s health was related to the warmth of his body. The great Galen (II century AD) introduced the concepts of «temperature» and «degree». So the doctors of antiquity laid the foundations of the science of heat and invented the first thermometers. Many doctors and physicians associated medicine with physics, for example, William Gilbert, Thomas Young, Julius Robert Mayer. Currently, there is not a single field of medicine where physical devices are not used to establish diseases and their treatments. I think physics is the center of life, and everything is tied to it. After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue my studies at Pirogov RNRMU.
Diego Ramos (Colombia, Group 11)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty in Rostov, I will study at Pirogov RNRMU in Moscow. I am very interested in electrodynamics, thermodynamics, electromagnetic waves, atomic and nuclear physics.
I think I will need to know a lot of physics topics. Due to the fact that physics is a very important subject for medicine, because earlier in history and in the present, physics has been helping medicine, for example, Wilhelm Roentgen discovered X-ray radiation (the first Nobel laureate in physics in history), nuclear physics is also currently used to diagnose various diseases. I believe that physics will play a very important role in my future profession. Because I want to work in the field of medical research.
Shalhoub Alhan (Lebanon, Group 6)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will continue to study at Altai State Medical University.
Physics plays an important role in medicine. The doctor at the appointment takes measurements of physical quantities – the patient’s body temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate – and can make a conclusion about the person’s condition. Many new devices are now used in medicine: radiographs, tomographs, electrocardiographs; physical devices are used for physiotherapy treatment. Knowledge of physical laws and processes can help a doctor.
Jovan Ilic (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Group 3)
I will study in Moscow, at RNRMU.
I am interested in almost all the branches of physics. Physics plays a big role in the life of every person, and in the work of a doctor. Modern medicine uses various devices for diagnostics: a cardiograph, a laser, an X-ray machine, an ultrasonic machine, the operation of which is based on the laws of physics.
My name is Mahongo Chifunda, I’m from Zambia.
I will study in Kazan after I graduate from the Preparatory Faculty. I am interested in physics topics related to the magnet, mechanics and light.
Mungemba Mbussa Prinsnel (Congo, Group 9)
I will study at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University.
Physics and medicine are closely related. Medical physics is a branch of applied physics that includes the application of physics in medicine. As a future doctor, I have to master radioactivity, because it is the basis of radiotherapy, medical imaging, nuclear medicine and radiation protection, that is, modern medicine. The contribution of physics to medicine is diverse and important. First of all, physics contributes to a good understanding of the human body. Imaging is used in diagnostics, which can be based on X-rays, like traditional radiology and its modern continuation — a scanner, on radioactive isotopes, like a gamma camera and a PET scanner, which are used in nuclear medicine, or on methods such as ultrasonic or magnetic resonance imaging, which help to avoid ionizing radiation. Physiotherapy also uses heat, cold and all kinds of waves to treat problems of motor skills or physical capabilities. Quantum physics can be found in elementary particles, X-rays and radioactive isotopes, as well as in nuclear magnetic resonance and its medical equivalent — magnetic resonance imaging.
Mavad Anna Youssefovna (Lebanon/Russia, group 5)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at RostSMU.
Various branches of physics are necessary for my future profession as a doctor. Medicine requires scientific thinking and a scientific understanding of the world around us, and this includes physics. Knowledge of physics is neces-sary to study respiration, the activity of the cardiovascular system, blood pressure, transmission of nerve impulses, etc. — and as a result gives knowledge for the treatment of disorders of this activity that patients may have. Many physical technologies are used in medicine.
Marwan Amer Al-Saadi (Iraq, Group 8)
I will study at Volgograd State Medical University after graduating from the preparatory faculty. Studying physics is important for a doctor. Second-year students of medical and dental faculties study nuclear physics. Medical physics is one of the branches of applied physics, and one of its most important tasks is the treatment of tumors. Nuclear medicine, which specializes in imaging at the molecular level, is medicine by which a doctor can learn about changes occurring at the cellular level, and thus diagnose and track these changes, and then treat them with radioactive isotopes with certain physical characteristics. The role of physics will be important in my future career, because I will become a cardiologist, and I will need many applications of medical physics, electrocardiography, electroencephalography, electromyography and others in my practical work.
Barbet De Laura Abdul Ghani (Mozambique, Group 5)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study in Tver.
I am interested in the following branches of physics:
mechanics; electrodynamics; mechanical vibrations and waves. Physics plays an important role in medicine. The laws, models and methods of physics are important not only for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, but also for researches in the field of radiation protection. All the basic laws of physics are easily applicable to living beings. Mechanics turns into biomechanics (muscle contraction), blood flow through blood vessels (circulatory dynamics), generation and conduction of electricity in living cells (cardiomyocytes and neurons).
The genesis of electricity by heart cells (cardiomyocytes) is reflected on ECGs (electrocardiograms), the activity of brain cells is reflected on electroencephalograms, and to understand how electricity is generated in living cells, it is necessary to know basic physics.
Jason Brenes Rojas (Costa Rica, Group 11)
When I graduate from the Preparatory Faculty, I will go to Altai State Medical University, to the medical faculty.
Physics provides the basis for radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, various methods of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. I am interested in the application of the Doppler effect.
Vilakati Alvande Vongumusa (Swaziland, Group 10)
I will study at Volgograd Medical University after graduating from the Preparatory Faculty.
As a future doctor, I have to know the basics of
— mechanics — applicable to the movement of joints and body fluids;
— forces — in the diagnosis and treatment of patients, for example, when searching for the appropriate weight and length of crutches to support a patient with a broken leg;
— hydrodynamics, the ratio of pressure and volume and resistance in a closed circuit — helps in the diagnosis and analysis of the circulatory system;
— heat transfer – necessary in the treatment of patients with frostbite, hypothermia and fever;
— vectors and electrical circuits — applicable to electrocardiography and electrical activity of the heart;
— gas laws — pressure-volume curves are applicable to lung function;
— optics — refers to the work of the human eye and to all procedures of ophthalmology and optometry;
— nuclear physics — applicable to nuclear medicine.
Physics teaches to think critically — physics forces a person to think not just by memorizing the facts, but instead forces them to apply their knowledge in the context of the real world. Therefore, this will make me a critical thinker. Physics is the basis on which medical technologies were discovered and invented. Hence, it will help me to understand how medical equipment such as X-rays works, and therefore I will be able to control it. Physics is the root system for all other branches of science that draw their information from the basic aspects of motion, forces, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, atomic and nuclear physics, etc. Consequently, studying physics will allow me to study other courses effectively, such as chemistry.
Physics is useful in many aspects of medicine, both in treatment and especially in diagnostic medicine, such as X-rays, computed tomography, ultrasonics, etc. Therefore, by studying physics, I will be able to get acquainted with the basic equipment used by a doctor, how it works and what it is used for.
Michel Karkabi (Israel, Group 6)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at RostSMU.
Medical physics deals with high-precision diagnostics using ultrasonic beams. Medical physics deals with all therapeutic methods, especially thermal therapy and particle physics. It is aimed at re-analysis and reconfiguration of images and high diagnostic accuracy through the use of modern advanced computer technologies.
Khalfi Husam (Algeria, Group 4)
I will study at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University after graduating from the preparatory faculty.
The physics section that interests me is electronics. It is necessary for a future doctor to know physics, since mechanics, electricity, radiation, electric, magnetic fields are components of medical physics. Because physics helps to diagnose and learn about diseases. It helps in the treatment of various methods.
Itvitaho eme Badin (Rwanda, Group 5)
I will study at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University.
I am interested in the following sections of physics: mechanics (motion, Newton’s laws, work and energy, momentum), hydrodynamics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism and optics. Knowledge of physics helps in studying subjects such as radiology, and understanding various topics of physiology, anatomy, surgery, forensic medicine, neurology, anesthesiology, epidemiology. The various laws of physics which are used to describe how the body works, and understanding physics can allow me to understand medicine more deeply, because I want to become a good professional doctor.
My name is John Ngandwe. I came from Zambia.
I am studying at the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University, after the Preparatory Faculty I will continue my studies at RostSMU.
Physics teaches us to think critically. Physics is the basis on which medical technologies were discovered and invented. Without physics, medical professionals would not have a career. Therefore, rest assured, medical students, you are doing wisely by studying physics. The physics section that interests me is electronics. Physics describes the behavior of many phenomena that we observe in medicine. Things like blood flow, endocrine function and oxygen diffusion that occur in various organ systems. I will use physical concepts and procedures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
Batbaygal Ganbold (Mongolia, Group 3)
I will study at St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University after graduating from the Preparatory Faculty. I liked the electrodynamics lesson most of all. Because I find electromagnets very interesting. I think that most of the knowledge in physics is useful because it can be applied when working with medical devices (diagnostics and treatment). All modern medical methods are connected with equipment, so knowledge of physics is necessary.
Marta Hamukali (Zambia, Group 5)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I’m going to study at Kazan State Medical University. I am interested in mechanics, optics and much more. Physics is used in procedures for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It is important to know how to use physics in my field of study. Physics provides the technical foundations of radiology when we use X-rays, radiation oncology and nuclear medicine.
Hikma Mohammed (Yemen, Group 6)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at RostSMU. I want to be a heart surgeon. I need knowledge of physics in the field of vibrations and waves in echocardiography to create live images of the heart.

Adam Bathish (Israel, Group 6)
I will study at First St. Petersburg State Medical University. I know that I will study medical physics there, methods of statistics in biology and medicine, medical informatics. Without this knowledge, I will not be able to become a good doctor.
Ibrahim Gardinia (Syria, Group 1)
I will continue to study at RostSMU.
I am interested in studying medical physics, electrophysics and biophysics. I think I need to know medical physics, electrophysics and biophysics in my profession as a future doctor. I want to study neurosurgery. Physics is very important in this specialty.
In neurobiophysics, they are engaged in the development and usage of physical methods to obtain information about the nervous system.
Francisco Manuel Salgado Donaire (Nicaragua, Group 11)
When I graduate from the Preparatory Faculty, I will go to St. Petersburg to study at the State Pharmaceutical Chemical University, the faculty of pharmacological chemistry. I am interested in classical physics and modern physics. Physics may be related to my future profession — chemical physics is a science that studies physicochemical phenomena using methods of atomic and molecular physics and solid state physics; it is a branch of physics that studies chemical processes from the point of view of physics. With it, I am learning to interpret graphs such as thermodynamic processes, molecular interactions, and other things.
Cynthia Aline Rodriguez Pires (Brazil, Group 11)
After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study in Kaliningrad.
It will be interesting for me to study radiation therapy, nuclear medicine and radiology or radio diagnostics, all of which are related to the handling of complex equipment connected with ionizing radiation.
Tselmeg Gankhuyag (Mongolia, Group 4)
I will study at Voronezh State Medical University.
It is necessary for a future doctor to know physics, since relying on physical laws allows studying the functioning of a living organism, explaining normal physiological and pathological processes.
Abdullah Hamuda (Syria, Group 1)
I will study at Kursk State Medical University.
I am interested in studying mechanics, optics, and the magnetic field. I decided to become a dentist a long time ago, I chose my own path. Physics is needed in this specialty: radiation to change the color of teeth is used in dentistry, the use of devices to find a disease in the tooth cavity, the use of polymer materials — physics studies this, therefore it plays a big role in my future profession and therefore I want to achieve success in studying physics.
Sagir Hasan (Lebanon, group 5)
I will study at Novosibirsk State Medical University after graduating from the Preparatory Faculty.
I am interested in studying mechanics, optics, and atomic physics. I have chosen my profession and I want to become a doctor, and I want to do researches in the field of medicine. Becoming a scientist depends on the student himself and his desire to study, so I will try and work every moment on my goal in order to achieve new results in the field of medicine. This requires knowledge not only in medicine, but also in physics, because medicine without physics is blind: I want to ask, what kind of medicine can there be today without ultrasound of the heart? Without an ECG? Without an X-ray? Without a pacemaker? The answer is obvious
I need a great knowledge of physics to achieve my goal and save the lives of many people and help the sick.
Lu Ngoc Anh (Vietnam, group 12)
Topic: «The role of physics in my life».
1. After graduating from the Preparatory Faculty, I will study at Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University in Moscow.
2. I am interested in mechanics, heat and molecular physics, optics and properties of light.
3. I need the following knowledge of physics:
Knowledge of mechanics. It helps me to study blood circulation, the work of the heart, the movement of heat.
Knowledge about the ratio of pressure and volume. It helped me when I studied the mechanism of breathing in the lungs.
Knowledge about optics. It is useful for studying the eyes.
Knowledge about radiation, for example: X-rays, gamma radiation. They are used for diagnosis and treatment purposes.
The role of physics in my future profession: physical laws allow us to study the functioning of a living organism, explain normal physical and pathological processes. Many diagnostic and treatment methods, devices are based on the use of physical principles: thermometer, stethoscope, laser surgery, X-ray, ultrasonic researches.