On the occasion of the 800th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Nevsky

The Department of Russian Language No. 1 hosted events dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the birth of Prince Alexander Nevsky, whose image is relevant for Russia even nowadays, eight centuries later… Alexander Nevsky’s international activity was determined by his sincere love for his people and devotion to the faith of his fathers. These values are timeless for any nation.
The memory of the Prince’s activities and great deeds is an essential part of the cultural and military-historical heritage of Russia.
Foreign students of the preparatory faculty took part in the competition of portrait images of A. Nevsky, recited poems, prepared presentations, and watched films.

Нурлан Айгерим (Монголия)

Nurlan Aigerim (Mongolia)

Герреро Пухольс Тайра Глорисель (Доминиканская Республика)

Guerrero Pujols Tyra Gloricel (Dominican Republic)

Мэндсайхан Бямбаа (Монголия), просмотр фильма «Александр. Невская битва»

Mandsaikhan Byambaa (Mongolia),  while watching the film » Alexander. Battle of the Neva»

Мусенге Патсон (Замбия), стихотворение «Невская победа»

Musenge Patson (Zambia), the poem «Nevа Victory»

Ибрагим Ахмад (Сирия), стихотворение «Россия»

Ibrahim Ahmad (Syria), the poem «Russia»







Цэрэннадмид Уранцэцэг (Монголия), просмотр фильма «Александр. Невская битва»

Tserennadmid Urantsetseg (Mongolia), while watching the film » Alexander. Battle of the Neva»

Махди Рола (Ливан), стихотворение «Пройдут века»

Mahdi Rola (Lebanon), the poem «Centuries will Pass»

Роша Монтейру Дебора София (Кабо-Верде), стихотворение «Святой князь»

Rocha Monteiro Deborah Sofia (Cape Verde), the poem «The Holy Prince»











Кхадижах Сити (Индонезия), стихотворение «Святой Александр Невский»

Khadijah City (Indonesia), the poem «The Holy Alexander Nevsky»

Данзанжамц Оргилмаа (Монголия), просмотр фильма «Александр Невский»

Danzanzhamts Orgilmaa (Mongolia), while watching the film «Alexander Nevsky»






Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU get to know the Russian culture

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University visited the exhibition «The lacework of the Russian North» at the Sholokhov Center of the State museum of M.A. Sholokhov «The Silent Don». The collection of the Kirillo-Belozersky museum is dedicated to one of the ancient types of art — lacemaking. «Visiting the Sholokhov Center […]

Students of the Preparatory Faculty of RostSMU told about their medical dynasties

Students of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens from Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Guinea, Israel, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Lebanon, Morocco, Mongolia, Syria, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tadjikistan participated in the event which was held at the university museum as part of a project “We love Russia. Choosing RostSMU”. The head of the museum of RostSMU Tatyana […]

Foreign students of Rostov State Medical University took part in the student scientific and practical conference «Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World»

On April 16, 2024, foreign students of Rostov State Medical University, studying in English as an intermediary language, took part in the student scientific and practical conference “Medical Topics in Literature and Art Around the World,” which is traditionally held on the initiative of the Department of Foreign Languages with a Latin language course (head […]

21 июля, 2021

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