The RostSMU pays great attention to the fact that their students study Russian language. By participating in the Russian language Olympiads, foreign students show their excellent knowledge of the Russian language and their reverent attitude to it. Making presentations and writing essays on relevant topics not only increase the level of language competence of foreign students, but also have a great educational value.
Hamadeh Adham Ziyad (Lebanon), who is studying at the Department of Russian Language No. 1, took the 1st place in the Russian Language Olympiad (prepared by the head of the department I.A. Tropina), which took place in April-May 2021 on the basis of Kazan Federal University. The organizers have stated the main objectives of the event:
— improving the quality of specialists training;
— identification of talented young people;
— raising the status of the Russian language in the educational space.
Adham successfully completed the tasks of two rounds, showing creative abilities, especially noting the high level of the medical and biological field of study.
Hamadeh Adham Ziyad won the All-Russian Olympiad «Russian language – rich, accurate, powerful» (faculty mentor: I.A. Tropina).
Khamadeh Adham Ziyad (Lebanon) and Mahdi Rola (Lebanon) presented RostSMU with dignity, taking part and winning the first prize in the Olympiad in Russian language, held in May 2021 at the Southern Federal University (students were managed by the head of the Department of Russian Language No. 1, I. A. Tropina and senior teacher Sayamova).
It is also worth noting Bambaa Mendsaikhan from Mongolia (faculty mentor: Head of the Department I. A. Tropina), who took 2nd place in the VIII International Olympiad in Foreign Languages among Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities «Medicine and Languages: at the Crossroads of Cultures», which took place on the basis of the Voronezh State Medical University named after N. N. Burdenko. Mendsaikhan wrote the essay, demonstrating an excellent knowledge of the Russian language and a philosophical understanding of the topic.
We would like to congratulate the winners and wish you success in your further study of the Russian language!