The 60th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space


Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

The thematic meeting dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s flight into space was held online with foreign students at the Preparatory Faculty on April 12.
The teachers of the Physics Department talked about the main stages of the development of manned cosmonautics, the works of K. E. Tsiolkovsky who developed theoretical issues of cosmonautics and philosophical problems of space exploration, S. P. Korolev — a key figure in human space exploration and the creator of the Soviet space program who organized and carried out the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth (October 4, 1957) and the flight of the first cosmonaut of the planet Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961).

The foreign students learnt a very important fact that the preparation for the first human flight into space — the flight of Yuri Gagarin and the further manned flight programs led to the emergence and development of a new field of knowledge — bioastronautics.


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Bioastronautics is a practical science, the subject of which is a healthy person. It focuses experts’ efforts of many fields of knowledge — physiologists, doctors, biologists, engineers, mathematicians, physicists, representatives of other sciences and makes a significant contribution to solving the current issues of modern health care. Bioastronautics appeared since humanity began to explore outer space. The first step was taken by Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin on April 12, 1961.


“Congratulations to all the peoples of the world on the wonderful first human flight into space. My name is Dalgermaa. I am from Mongolia. I am a student of the Preparatory Faculty of Rostov State Medical University. Yuri Gagarin was an excellent pilot and the first cosmonaut, and he is a living legend.”
(Dalgermaa Bayarbaatar, Mongolia)


The night of April 12 is celebrated annually as the “Yuri’s Night” and celebrations are held around the world in memory of the first cosmonaut in the world.”
(Qaderi Omid, Afghanistan)


“Yuri Gagarin was the first to visit space. After the space flight he was engaged in international social activity.”
(Boldbaatar Munkhzaya, Mongolia)


“Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin is a citizen of the USSR, the first person on Earth who was in space. He started outer space exploration!”
(Bruna Bona, Brazil)



“The meeting was very informative and interesting for me.”
(Musenge Patson, Zambia)


“I liked the meeting and especially the information about space and aerospace medicine!! This is my dream!”
(Guerrero Pujols Tayra Gloricel, The Dominican Republic)


“In many cities of the world there is a monument to Yuri Gagarin.”
(Hamade Adham Ziad, the Lebanon)


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19 апреля, 2021

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