Festival of National Cultures at the Preparatory Faculty

Russian Language Department № 1 hosted the online Festival of National Cultures which contributed to a better intercultural communication, tolerance and achieve mutual understanding between representatives of different ethnic groups.
Representatives of 39 countries of the world took part in the creative marathon. The students showed a reverential attitude to the national costumes which allows them to preserve historical memory and a sense of belonging to a particular nation. Students talked about the symbolism of the ornaments on costumes and were happy to share recipes of national dishes. Foreign students made a fascinating virtual journey around the world and got acquainted with the history, cultural heritage, sights. The festival allowed to create a special atmosphere of communication through a universal language – the language of culture.


Doumbia Ousmane from Mali talked about artistic skill and handicraft, the types of masks and their meaning


Mahdi Rola (Lebanon) talked about the history of Lebanon and danced in the national costume


Guerrero Pujols Tayra Gloricel in the national dress made in the colors of the flag of the Dominican Republic


Guerrero Pujols Tayra Gloricel (the Dominican Republic) with the tambourine- the national musical instrument


Dimovski Emilia Roisin Klar (Macedonia) in Mavrovo ski resort




Herrera Gonzalez Daniela Michel (Salvador). Dance in a folk costume


Ban Chhormsreynit (on the right) loves Cambodian dancing and dances very well


Poledica Strahinja (Serbia) talked about the sights of Zlatibor









Cambodia is the country of the most ancient civilization where Buddhist culture and ancient traditions have been preserved to this day. Ban Chormsreynit actively involved in temple festivals, cooks national dishes and treats monks


Asuquo Emmanuel Victor talked about the national museums and parks of Nigeria


Toho Hermira Jariette Bignon (Benin) with a household utensil


Lima E Lima Lisa Angelina invites you to Cape Verde











Dias Mendes Wildenira Antonieta (Guinea-Bissau) talked about the African jungles and savannas where leopards, hippos, buffaloes, antelopes, monkeys can be seen in their usual natural conditions


Le Hoang Thang talked about the unique and distinctive culture of Vietnam. The amazing beauty of nature, the majestic deltas of the Red River in the north and the Mekong in the south, the brilliant green of rice fields, endless white sandy beaches and heavy growth of tropical vegetation-all this is Vietnam


Thelge Maneesha Sohani Peiris (on the left). National dances of Sri Lanka are one of the main elements of the culture of the Sri Lankans, an integral part of all festivals, ritual ceremonies and religious processions


Kugyershin Yerkyejan told about yurts (the Mongolian national dwelling), the history of its appearance, features and interior decoration. Yurts appeared many hundreds of years ago, but they still remain popular and are in demand. Yurts are easy-to-use and they are cross functional




Ben Amor Salma (the Republic of Tunisia) at the annual festival of national costumes dedicated to the back-to-basics


Bambaa Mendsaikhan near the monument Mongolian wrestler, the winner of the Olympic games, the holder of the title of Grand national giant


Fela Celma Elisabete Mussombo (Angola) dressed in clothing with an unmistakable African ornament


Uganda Mbila Mario (Equatorial Guinea) talked about the sights of his country


Chilanga Elizabeth invites you to Zambia












Soares Barroso Dara Giselle cooked tapioca tortillas with coconut, cheese and meat. This is one of the most favorite dishes of the Brazilians


Brambilla Ojeda Ingrid Camila (Paraguay) with national dishes and drinks


Brandao Alanan (Guinea-Bissau) cooks a national dish which consists of rice and seafood


Herrera Gonzalez Daniela Michelle shared a recipe of tamale — the most popular dish in Salvador made from dough stuffed with meat in corn leaves













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17 февраля, 2021

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