In 2019 the diplomas of doctors and pharmacists were awarded to 56 graduates from 21 countries: Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Burundi, Vietnam, Greece, Georgia, Iraq, Yemen, Kirghizia, The Lebanon, Macedonia, Mongolia, Nigeria, Palestine, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine.
Honors degree was awarded to:
Nguen Thi Khanh Vy (Vietnam), Gapon Alina Vasilievna (Ukraine), Pisarev Yaroslav Igorevich (Ukraine).
3 graduates were awarded with the certificates for academic success and active participation in public life of the university.
31 foreign graduates of RostSMU were awarded with the certificate of a specialist in the field of the Russian language which gives the right to teach Russian at home.

We are sure that working as doctors and being the heads of clinics and hospitals in their homeland foreign graduates of 2019 will remember the Rostov State Medical University and will be proud of their profession which they got at our university.