«150th Anniversary of D.I. Mendeleev Periodic Table of Chemical Elements» Student Conference at the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens

2019 has been declared by UNESCO as the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements.
The conference «150th Anniversary of D.I. Mendeleev Periodic Table of Chemical Elements» was dedicated to this significant event.
The conference was held on June 13, 2019, and was organized by the Department of Chemistry of the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens (Associate Professor G.A. Grekova is the head of the department).
Conference program included reports on the history of the great discovery, on the role of various chemical elements in the human body and on their use in medicine. Reports of Ovus-Ansah Henry (Ghana) and Ogungbemi Evelyn Faith (Nigeria) “Materials for Heart Valves Prosthetics”; Makinde-Ojo Samuel Jesupelumi (Nigeria) and Aginda Ajon Gina Jessica (Ecuador) «Antiseptics»; Geraldio Lau Gefaldo (Indonesia) «Radioactive elements in medicine»; Ajayi Adesol Aduragbemi (Nigeria) «Materials for bone prosthetics»; Okafor Elvis Chukvugoziem, Andorbe Bernard Andorbe (Nigeria) and Kintina Sete Izhmael (Guinea-Bissau) «The role of calcium in the human body»; Lema Maigua Lisbet Estefania (Ecuador) «Materials in Dentistry»were the most interesting.
Students listened carefully and actively asked questions to the authors of the messages.
Diplomas were awarded to the students who gave the presentations.


Henry Ovusu-Ansah (Ghana) made a_presentation “Materials for Heart Valves Prosthetics”


Akeleieta Cletus Azumah, Ovusu-Kufuo Sindi and Bentil Elsi Ama (Ghana) report on the topic: «Iodine in medicine»


Ganbaatar Khulan and Batbold Uchral (Mongolia) report “The Role of Trace Elements in the Human Body”








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27 июня, 2019

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