Dear visitors of The Rostov State Medical University official website!
You are welcome to the official website of the University. Today The Rostov State Medical University is the leading Higher Educational Institution of the Rostov region on training medical specialists. It is also the largest educational, scientific and medical center of Southern Russia and is one of the oldest universities in our country.
I hope that the Internet resources of The Rostov State Medical University will help you get all the necessary information about our University. Here you can find everything about the University structure, its faculties and departments, scientific and research projects, and other kinds of reference information.
On the official website special attention is paid to the applicants who can learn about the specialties, admission rules, training and accommodation conditions of The Rostov State Medical University.
I also hope that the website will significantly broaden the possibilities for patients of our Clinic, becoming convenient and useful navigator for them.
Rector of The Rostov State Medical University
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor S.V. Shlyk
Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону
пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29
Курсы по профориентации
+7 (863) 250-41-16
Специалитет, бакалавриат, магистратура:
+7 (863) 201-43-96
+7 (863) 201-43-98
+7 (863) 201-43-86
+7 (863) 250-41-55 (приём в ВУЦ)
Программы СПО (колледж):
+7 (863) 240-45-80
Программы ординатуры:
+7 (863) 201-43-98
+7 (863) 201-43-86
Программы аспирантуры:
+7 (863) 201-43-78
Россия, г.Ростов-на-Дону
пер.Нахичеванский, здание 29
+7 (863) 285-32-13 (Поликлиника)
+7 (863) 250-40-65 (Канцелярия)
Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону
пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29
(УЛК №1, 1 этаж, кабинет №111, №112)
+7 (863) 305-89-09
+7 (938) 147-77-65