The Rostov State Medical University is the successor of Russian Warsaw University, evacuated to Rostov-on-Don and converted into The Don University. The best representatives of the medical schools of Warsaw, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan were collected on its medical faculty and have founded their own unique Rostov medical school, which has become one of the best in Russia.

In 1930, the Medical Faculty of the University was reorganized into the Institute of Medicine, which has become the largest medical university in the South of the USSR.

In the 50s, the Institute has grown significantly, the university became the first category, won the right to conduct defense of dissertations for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science. It has organized the Evening Department and the Faculty for Advanced Training of physicians.

In the 60s, there were opened the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens, several new departments, and at the same time there was improved clinical base.

In 1994, the Institute was granted University status, and then there were organized several new faculties.

Today the Rostov State Medical University is the largest medical research center in Southern Russia.

Приемная комиссия

Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону
пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29

Курсы по профориентации
+7 (863) 250-41-16

Специалитет, бакалавриат, магистратура:
+7 (863) 201-43-96 
+7 (863) 201-43-98
+7 (863) 201-43-86
+7 (863) 250-41-55 (приём в ВУЦ)

Программы СПО (колледж):
+7 (863) 240-45-80

Программы ординатуры:
+7 (863) 201-43-98
+7 (863) 201-43-86

Программы аспирантуры:
+7 (863) 201-43-78

Административный корпус

Россия, г.Ростов-на-Дону
пер.Нахичеванский, здание 29

+7 (863) 285-32-13 (Поликлиника)

+7 (863) 250-40-65 (Канцелярия)


Россия, г. Ростов-на-Дону
пер. Нахичеванский, здание 29
(УЛК №1, 1 этаж, кабинет №111, №112)

+7 (863) 305-89-09
+7 (938) 147-77-65

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